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Tawhitinui (O-kare-ki-Tai)

Tawhitinui marae (also known as O-kare-ki-Tai) is located along the Taranaki coast on State Highway 45 near Otakeho. Its principal hapu include Ngāti Haua and Ngāti Haua-Piko of Ngāruahine iwi.

The wharenui is named Okarae Tuatoru; it replaced two earlier whare of the same name. The wharekai is Ngāhina. The complex also includes a kohanga reo called Te Ohounuku Tamatea kuru mai o Tāwhitinui. The marae connects ancestrally to the waka Aotea, the maunga Taranaki and the awa Te Akonga. 


2453 South Rd - Surf Highway 45 Otakeho Taranaki 4678

Key information

Te Tai Hauāuru
Community Trust
TSB Community Trust
Okare Tuatoru

Other marae in the rohe